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Channel - Class in io.telepat.sdk.models
Created by Andrei Marinescu, catalinivan on 09/03/15.
Channel(String) - Constructor for class io.telepat.sdk.models.Channel
Channel(Channel.Builder) - Constructor for class io.telepat.sdk.models.Channel
Channel.Builder - Class in io.telepat.sdk.models
Builder pattern implementation for the Channel class
Channel.Builder() - Constructor for class io.telepat.sdk.models.Channel.Builder
Channel.NotificationType - Enum in io.telepat.sdk.models
Possible notification message types arriving from the Telepat cloud
channelKeys(String) - Method in class io.telepat.sdk.data.TelepatSnappyDb
Get all the keys stored for a specific channel
close() - Method in interface io.telepat.sdk.data.TelepatInternalDB
Close the connection with the internal DB
close() - Method in class io.telepat.sdk.data.TelepatSnappyDb
Close the connection with the internal DB
create(Map<String, Object>, Callback<HashMap<String, String>>) - Method in interface io.telepat.sdk.networking.OctopusApi
Method for sending an object creation request
CrudOperationsCallback - Class in io.telepat.sdk.networking
Created by Andrei Marinescu on 22.06.2015.
CrudOperationsCallback(String) - Constructor for class io.telepat.sdk.networking.CrudOperationsCallback